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Double R

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on May 27, 2007 at 7:32:36 pm

 I'm Rhonda Roberts and I'm a member of Greater Faith House of Prayer.God is the head of my life. Joseph Reeves is my pastor and Gail Reeves is first lady. A few of my passions are youth and christ. What's your passion?


Today is the 26th of May and my chuch family at this very moment are on the corners in the neighborhood praying. My church family is praying for the Lord's will to be done in the Mapleton Fall Creek area. My prayer for all of you, that view this page, is to join my church family and pray for the city and world as a whole for a better place to live. Prayers change things and circumstances, so let's support one another to be on one accord. May God bless!!!!!!



how to add a link.



One of my favorite websites is UBcafe in the heart of the inner-city in Indy.


[Hi Rhonda... Smile, you're on... at UBcafe.com today!!!   ...from Neil]



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