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Double R

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on August 13, 2008 at 8:52:16 am

 I'm Rhonda Roberts and I'm a member of Greater Faith House of Prayer.  God is the head of my life. Joseph Reaves is my pastor and Gail Reaves is first lady. A few of my passions are youth and christ. What's your passion?


Today is the 26th of May and my chuch family at this very moment are on the corners in the neighborhood praying. My church family is praying for the Lord's will to be done in the Mapleton Fall Creek area. My prayer for all of you, that view this page, is to join my church family and pray for the city and world as a whole for a better place to live. Prayers change things and circumstances, so let's support one another to be on one accord. May God bless!!!!!!



how to add a link.



One of my favorite websites is UBcafe in the heart of the inner-city in Indy.


[Hi Rhonda... Smile, you're on... at UBcafe.com today!!!   ...from Neil]


 Hello again my fellow wiki family! I want to  tell you more about my self.I'm a single mom with two children.I'm proudly employed at Day Nursery Lilly center .It is located on 35th Central Ave.I'm an assistant teacher of 20 bright 3 year old.In order to be an effective caregiver to these adorable little ones I have to establish the right relationship with our Lord and Savior.I Attend bible study on Tuesday and Thursdays under my pastor Joseph Reaves.On Tuesdays it is held at our church on 30th and central and Thursday my pastor holds a bible at Tabernacle Presbertain church on the corner of 34th and Central. My main goal is to share a littel nugget of life to those in the neighborhood and church family to network with one another to build better and brighter outllook from a community standpoint on the stenghts and talents that each one of us posess to lift up our the place that we call home.I'm striving to build this page with your help and support. that my church family and fellow christians follow my lead and join me with your gift that God has given you

to teach each other how to buid a greater future for our children and youth of tommorrow.


My Bio  Hello double R My name is cisco and we met at the ubcafe a few weeks ago. I tried to send you a message but maybe you gave me the wrong e-mail. Well I hope all is well with you and your family, I hope to see you soon. God Bless.




 I hope everyone is doing well.I had a gracious time at the house of the Lord today.Today is June 10,2007.The series that we are currently in is titled Everybody needs a hero. We continued on in the series and added but don't be deceived.Pastor Reaves preached and taught out of the book of Judges16:5-6. Greater Faith House Of Prayer also has a sister hood ministry called I am my sister's keeper. Gail Reaves (First Lady) is the leadership over this ministry.The subject was Mary and the Alabaster Box. I hpoe to have the pictures and more details of that service on the upcoming days to come. Please feel free to come and visit with us at 3001 N. Central.Sunday school service is at 9:30a.m. and morning service is at 11:30a.m.


 Hello RR ; This is James or cisco and I will pray for you and I know you will pray for me. I saw you saturday and I said that I would send a message. God bless you and maybe one of these saturdays I'll see you. You send me message back. OK. God Bless. Flight the good fight, in the Lord, of course, remember in the Lord.





Today is July the 20th and and I would like to say this is a day that the lord has made I  will rejoice and be glad in it.I hope my fellow wiki friends are doing well. I am fine but,on the other hand that doesn't mean that christians dont have battles .The mind can be troubled,especially if you don't give your trials and tribulations to the Lord.I'm really trying to say is I need to have a littlie talk with Jesus and tell him all about my problems.I need to spend more time in my prayer closet with my heavenly father.I hope you will pray for me and I will pray for you.If you want to pray for anything specifically,pray with me for peace and wisdom on my job and pray for me with lovingkindness with fellowshiping with unbelivers . The enemy is out to roba,steal and destroy.The world didn't give me the joy that I have and I won't take it away.

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