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Embedded Reporters

Page history last edited by indychristian 16 years ago

Embedded Reporters? 


Here's a recent story by Ellen5e.




Wouldn't it be great to have some e-capable Christians who have the basic skills to...

  • Surf well.
  • Search well.
  • Email well.
  • Tag well.
  • Join a social network if you like, to help connect & communicate.
  • Publish on a wiki.  Or even on some blogs.
  • Take digital Photos.  And upload 'em to Flickr.com so we can feature them in a number of websites.
  • Here's our growing list of 'The Begats'... people who are getting trained at some of these things.  Add your name.


Do you have an .mp3 player?  Can you record sound-clips, interviews, etc. and upload 'em for Podcasting?


Can you shoot Video?  Can you upload your video to YouTube.com?  Again, anyone can learn to do such things.  What a great capability for Kingdom purposes.  By doing so, you could help folks know about great efforts of faith in the Indianapolis area... and beyond.


Here are some examples of how you could put your skills to work, to bless & leverage the value of many others who are working together here in the Greater Indianapolis are.


If you're already trained in some of these things, or would like to be... come on down some Saturday for our 'Ask Anything Saturday' training time, and let's talk about how to get you plugged in for Christian involvement on behalf of any number of great ministries that would love to have you.


And if you'd like to be involved in helping TRAIN 'embedded reporters'.... come join us on Saturday !!!


Here's a link to prepare you to be an EMERGENCY REPORTER.





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