
Prison-Related Ministries

Page history last edited by indychristian 15 years, 6 months ago

Other Prison-related Solution-providers... for Indianapolis, IN...


See CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES (Prison-related)  in the 'Wiki Encyclopedia of City Reaching'.










Some of us are just using this page temporarily for notes as our specific little collection of faith-based prison-related organizations are meeting together for prayer and discussion about some innovative ways to maybe find new solutions not currently available.  Contact Dan Gushee for more details about this group dialog at the cafe.


And here's a sample of how one concept adds to the value of everyone wanting to be a solution re ex-offenders re-entering society... by (churches) providing a care team...


YouTube plugin error




 Here's an aggregated set of RSS-feeds from some of our favorite sites...

(eg. now, it's only Allison's blogsite).... (but the rest of you who have fresh content, let us know your RSS feed address)...






Some generic notes as I sat in on Dan Gushee's meeting with Prison-related solution-providers (6/12/2008)... (and later updated with all sorts of other info-links)



  • Contacts... Shannon Driver -- Ho2pe.com
  • Contacts... Netetia Walker... MLK-msc.org
  • Contacts... Dan Gushee...Grace Place (Re-entry Housing)
  • Contacts... Cecelia Whitfield... Use What You've Got Ministries -- Transportation for prison visitors.
  • Contacts... Tony Garrett... Prison Ministry affiliated with Colonial Hills Baptist.
  • Contacts... David Scott...Urban Entrepreneur America (ueanow.org) - Youth intensified training, revenue development and mentorship to produce new role models in the urban theatre to overcome the lure of crime, exploitation, etc....
  • Contacts... Mary Z. Longstreth... 'Choices Team' (Faith-based division) -- 'PLUS' (Positive Living ____ ____)... developing Care-teams for each prisoner coming out of Marion County facilities.  One-year covenant by all parties.  It includes goal-setting & monitoring achievement by the ex-offender.
  • Contacts... Jerome Jorman... Bridges To Life.
  • Contacts... Allison King Luthe .... Re-Entry Revolution
  • DOC has a database of released parolees... and may have some significant solution-provider info.   (I wonder if they have Web2.0 mapping of resources?)
  • Ms. Kadijah Muhammed -- Olgen's designee from the city re re-entry issues.
  • Allison mentioned the IPIC database of solutions & providers.
  • David Scott... suggested that the next meeting work-out a 'mission statement' for this little group.
  • It'd be good to connect with the Hope Team and with Mel Jackson's group.... see 'where they're at', so to speak.
  • Don Hawkins... IndianaHelpers.com... has a handle on a lot of this.  Check out his newsletter.



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