Housing... Indianapolis
Also see HOUSING topic at CityReaching.org
- Want to get involved in housing rehab?
- [Lots of these problems also involve other issues related to ex-offender matters. Visit www.IndianaReentry.org]]
- Need household items, furniture, appliances, etc.? Or want to donate some?
Other thoughts, ideas, links re Homeless & Homelessness issue?
'HOUSING' tags
Indy Star article re neighborhoods fixing up abandoned homes?
Hello everyone! Pastor Becki here from Missionary Connection again...look whats new!!!
Seven newly refirbished homes with new Appliances ready for incredible low rent!!!! Awesome!!!
1) 3554 N. Capitol
2) 3556 N. Capitol
3) 3305 N. Capitol
4) 3307 N. Capitol
5) 1712 E. Marlowe(lovely and close to downtown)
6) 539 N. Jefferson
7) 537 N. Jefferson
Landlord is seeking qualified renters for these homes. They are in move in condition and waitng for you. Please be ready to fill out an application. You could move in today!
Contact: Jeanne Huiett: 317-514-1501 for information.
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