

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago

WhenYouNeedSomeone compassion network of pages






  • One of the large, mostly-UNADDRESSED (by the Church) issues here in the city.
  • Take a bus... 'Indy Go' is about the only solution at present.   (but it only applies to Marion County.)  [Subsequent Note:  Some bus service to Fishers/DowntownIndy.]

    [Below, let's talk about the downsides of that... and how that just doesn't solve many/most of the real transportation issues.  Example: Finding transportation to good jobs in the suburbs... which don't have bus service.  And are there some good ideas floating around out there about how the Church could help with this issue???]

  • IDEAS ANYONE??????
    •   IndyChristian.NET... mapping ministries & other key points.
    • Use What You've Got Ministry
    • Cars of Clay
    • Used cars
    • Free Wheelin' (Bike Ministry in Mapleton Fall Creek area)
    • In Hamilton County... Click to Good Samaritan Network.
    • Janus Services
    • Hamilton County Transportation
    • Also... don't forget... EMPLOYMENT 'problems' often are really TRANSPORTATION issues.
    • New Idea on the Horizon: 
      Especially those that are currently working with the homeless..
       As you may know, not only have bus tickets gone up 25 cents ( now 1.50 one way) but the free Blue Line that runs in a square downtown is no longer free...now cost 25 cents to ride one way...that may not seem like much unless you do not have 25 cents ( really 50 cents for both ways)  which most of our homeless do not and any money they do get is usually spent on food not bus fare...
      Most of our homeless were using the Free Blue line to get around down town but are now choosing other avenues...mostly walking to appts...bumming rides( not always a good choice these days) or receiving bus tickets when we can get them...the demand is so high among all Outreach ministries it is difficult to meet the need at times...
      here is the idea:
       some of us have ministry Vans that we use when we do Outreach...since we are already out there anyway why not see if we can't develop our own pick up and drop off line that may assist our homeless we serve? 
      First thing I need to know is ; where do your homeless need to go, what days usually and when, if you know that information.  We are trying to see what times, days and locations would be best for this service before getting started with this...we would like to run at certain times, days and at certain pickup points to start as we get other partners on board for this...right now we have only two confirmed ministry Vans willing to help us...so, A) give us the info above so we can develop a route map with days and times and B) do you know of anyone else with a ministry Van that would be willing to help us one day a week or so...Including Sunday for Church services
      look forward to hearing from ya...Pastor Becki:o) 317-471-0156 or 317-627-5813 or becki5789@comcast.net
      [Outstanding leadership, Becki !!!  Thank you.]
      Suggestion:  Designate some Christian community centers... such as the Unleavened Bread Cafe... as primary pickup/delivery points.  Equipped with computers & communications & great hearts.  Btw, be sure and get YOUR ministries onto the Greater Indianapolis MAP.   It could be a very key component for helping resolve Transportation issues.
      Future Tech Note:   This is one problem that technology WILL be able to help us with, over time.  With the proliferation of cell phones and interactions with community MAPPING sites & mashups, how long can it be til someone here in Indy leads the way developing a 'Christians On Call' system... where our church buses... or even individual Christians... may effectively put their car/van 'in service' and available for helping with the transportation issue.  Web2.0 functionality will be enhancing all this, as time moves forward.  Stay tuned.  Or better yet, write a scenario below, which you've thought through.
      Idea from Ester (friend of the cafe)
      Churches... encourage your people to RIDE the bus on one special day... to raise awareness of its availability... and the needs of those who must use the bus regularly for Jobs, or Education objectives.  And wonder how many CANNOT use the current bus system... and what the obstacles are.  Anyway, riding the bus would raise awareness... and the special day surge in ridership would provide some data for IndyGo as well.  And good things could come of it all.
      From Walt Willett... North-Raymond, East-Meridian Neighbor....
      What we've learned...
      We have asked the neighbors with cars to note when they typically travel to stores etc.   We give this information to people who do not have cars and have them connect with the scheudules of those who are already going to the stores etc.

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